Thesis translation

High quality translation of your thesis and dissertation

We undertake the translation of research papers, university theses and dissertations into many different languages, and on many different fields. Translators of F&T are well-versed in fields such as finance, engineering and IT, making sure the finished translation is accurate. Depending on the length and difficulty of the text, we can have multiple translators work on the document at the same time, meeting even the tightest of deadlines. 

Research publication abroad

Hungary's best universities publish many excellent research documents from year to year, with the help of the professors working there, and PhD students in training. These papers are usually written in Hungarian, kept in its home institution. Due to linguistic barriers, even the most promising ideas can be difficult to bring onto an international level, an English or German translation of the document is almost always required. We at F&T would like to help universities and researchers in this aspect, by providing the quality translation of their work. 

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Magyarország egyik legnevesebb felsőoktatási intézményének bölcsészettudományi karán számos tanulmány és cikk született. Ezek közül volt szerencsénk néhányat magyarról angolra fordítani, majd pedig anyanyelvi lektor segítségével lektorálni.

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